Ocala, FL Qualifying Medical Conditions
Qualifying Conditions for Florida Social Security & Disability
Social security disability is a federal program designed to assist people with disabilities by paying them and their families insurance benefits. However, not everyone who sustained an injury or developed a condition can qualify for the program. The government is very strict on who is eligible for compensation depending on their condition, the severity of it, their income and how long they have worked. If you applied for social security disability and were denied, it is important to seek out a social security disability lawyer. At McGraw, Rauba & Mutarelli, we can provide you with an Ocala social security lawyer to help you through the appeal process.
Disability Determination Process
The requirements to fit the definition of “disability” include not being able to conduct work once done before, not being able to adjust to new work because of the medical condition, and the disability has or will last for a minimum of one year or until death. For qualification, documentation and medical proof will be reviewed. Your claim will also be reviewed for non-medical eligibility requirements such as age, employment and coverage information. A social security disability attorney in Ocala, FL, can help you acquire the necessary documentation for you to file your claim.
Qualifying Medical Conditions
- Cardiovascular Disorders: Cardiovascular impairment refers to any disorder that affects the proper functioning of the heart or the circulatory system. It can be due to chronic heart failure, ventricular dysfunction or other consequences of heart disease, and be either acquired or congenital.
- Mental Health: The mental disorders taken into consideration are neurocognitive disorders; schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and related disorders; intellectual disorders; anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders; somatic symptom and related disorders; personality and impulse-control disorders; autism spectrum disorders; neurodevelopmental disorders; eating disorders; and trauma and stressor-related disorders such as PTSD. Evidence from an established medical source will be reviewed to establish whether or not your mental disorder is medically determinable and how it affects your ability to perform work tasks.
- Orthopedic Injuries: Musculoskeletal system disorders from injury, disease or congenital deformities that could include the legs, knees and ankles, the hips, arms, back injuries, carpal tunnel and degenerative diseases. Your condition will be reviewed to determine the extent of loss of function.
- Neurological Disorders: Disorders such as epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, coma or persistent vegetative state and other neurological disorders that cause limitations in physical and mental function will be evaluated. Both medical and non-medical evidence will need to be examined to determine the extent of the neurological disorder.
- Sleep Disorders: Sleep related breathing disorders are take into consideration for social security disability. These include disorders such as sleep apnea that cause breathing problems during sleep and disrupt sleeping cycles. Most times your disorder will have to be linked to chronic or pulmonate or organic mental disorder to be accepted.
- Fibromyalgia Disability: Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread muscle pain and tenderness. Fibromyalgia is often dismissed in social security disability due to symptoms being mostly subjective. To build a strong claim, medical evidence must be established.
- Headaches: It is possible to be approved for social security disability due to chronic migraines. When filing your claim, you must prove that you experience significant limitations due to the severity of your migraines.
- Blood Disorders: Hematological disorders disrupt the normal function of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets and clotting-factor proteins. The disorders can include hemolytic anemias, disorders of thrombosis and hemostasis and disorders of bone marrow failure.
- Diabetes mellitus: Endocrine disorders that cause hormonal imbalances such as diabetes mellitus are taken into consideration for social security disability. Diabetes mellitus disrupts the production of several hormones, such as insulin, that regulate metabolism. If your diabetes has reached a point where it cannot be controlled, it might be eligible for social security disability.
- Autoimmune Diseases: Immune system disorders that cause dysfunction in the immune system can be eligible for social security disability. They are divided into three categories: Autoimmune disorders, immune deficiency disorders and HIV infection.
- Cancer: A diagnosis of cancer is not always a guaranteed approval. The origin of the cancer, the extent of involvement, duration, frequency, response to anticancer treatments and any effects of post-therapeutic residuals will be considered.>
- Stomach, Intestine & Liver Disorders: Certain digestive disorders are considered for social security disability. The disorders include gastrointestinal hemorrhage, liver dysfunction, inflammatory bowel disease, short bowel syndrome and malnutrition.
- Pulmonary Disorders/Lung Diseases: The respiratory disorders taken into account must result in difficulty moving air into or out of the lungs, or must interfere with diffusion across cell membranes in the lungs. Cancer and autoimmune disorders that affect the respiratory system are also evaluated for eligibility.
- Asthma Disability: Although asthma is accepted for evaluation, it is often denied because most cases can be treated with medication. However, serious chronic asthma attacks that cannot be controlled with at-home mediation might be eligible.
- Gastrointestinal Disorder Disability: Gastrointestinal disorders that cause complications, such as obstruction, or that are accompanied by manifestations in other body systems are considered. Evaluation will be based on severity and duration since most cases can be treated.
- Hepatitis Disability: Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B are both considered for social security disability. The qualification may fall under liver disease or you must show that the symptoms affect your ability to work.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Disability: IBS can cause chronic diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, bloating and cramping. IBS affects millions of individuals; however, if you can prove that the symptoms are painful and disruptive enough to keep you from working a full-time job, you may be able eligible for benefits.
- Kidney Failure Disability: Genitourinary disorders resulting in chronic kidney disease are accepted for evaluation. Factors considered when evaluating the disorder include chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant.
- Liver Disease Disability: Chronic liver diseases include hepatitis C, hepatitis B, autoimmune hepatitis, liver failure, liver cancer, hepatoma and other liver diseases. To meet the requirements you must be diagnosed with end-stage liver disease or chronic liver disease with excess fluid in the peritoneal cavity or the pleural cavity, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, esophageal or gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hepatorenal syndrome, hepatopulmonary syndrome or hepatic encephalopathy.
- Multiple Sclerosis Disability: There are various types of multiple sclerosis that affect the central nervous system. To qualify your disability must have lasted or is expected to last 12 months.
- Renal Failure Disability: Renal failure, also known as chronic kidney failure or chronic renal failure, falls under the disability listing for genitourinary disorders for social security disability.
- Seizures Disability: Brain disorders that cause seizures such as epilepsy are considered. Since seizures can be controlled through medication, the type, frequency, duration and nature of the seizures will be evaluated.
Ocala Social Security Law Firms
The penalties for social security disability fraud can be quite hefty. False statements, falsified documents, concealed information and misuse of benefits can all result in large fines and even jail time depending on the severity of the charges. If you need representation due to social security fraud or because you were denied from disability benefits, contact McGraw, Rauba & Mutarelli today for a trusted Ocala attorney.